Reiki Training Courses
1st degree: Also called Reiki I, or Shoden in Japanese which translates as First Teachings. This is entry-level Reiki training where the practitioner studies the history, learns how to perform self-Reiki, and how to give Reiki to someone else in person. The Reiki 1 practitioner is also initiated or attuned for life to bond with the Reiki Universal Energy.
2nd degree: Also called Reiki 2, or Okuden in Japanese which translates as Advanced Training. The practitioner learns how to use the first three secret Reiki symbols and how to perform distant Reiki techniques on people, animals, objects, and places. The practitioner receives further attunements to the Reiki Universal Energy. After this class, the practitioner is considered fully qualified.
3rd degree: Also called Reiki 3, or Shinpiden in Japanese which translates as Mystery Teachings. This is the Master Teacher level of Reiki. The practitioner receives the Master Reiki attunement and learns the secret and immensely powerful Master Reiki symbol and how to give the Reiki attunements to others who want to become practitioners or even new masters.

Reiki I Certification
Reiki 1 is a one-day course: £125.00
Please get in contact with me below to schedule in your Reiki 1 class.

Reiki II Certification (Okuden)
Reiki II is a one-day class: £125.00
Reiki 1 and II can be taken together with Reiki 1 on the first day, and Reiki II on the second. Book both classes together for £225.00 (save £25.00)
Please get in contact with me below to schedule in your Reiki II class.

Reiki III/Master Certification (Shinpiden)
Reiki III/Master class: £250.00
This is a two-day class and must have been practicing Reiki regularly for the past few months.
Please get in contact with me below to schedule in your Reiki Master class.